Size Quart, Aeschynanthus buxifolius – Box-Leaf Lipstick Vine (4.5″ Pot)
Aeschynanthus buxifolius is a rare, evergreen, dwarf shrub native to Southern China and Vietnam. The growth is very evocative of boxwood, however, this plant is so much more! The leaping, scarlet-orange flowers are the real star here.
As the branches mature and get tall, they tend to arch over. Display this plant in a hanging basket to brilliantly exhibit the gorgeous blooms. Adapt as a houseplant in partial sun to bright, indirect light, or use as an outdoor container plant. Overwintering your Box-Leaf Lipstick Vine indoors in essential in cooler areas. Prefers a well-drained soil, ideally a compost with bark, perlite, vermiculite, and charcoal. Avoid over-fertilizing to keep the plant more compact and increase its blooming power.