Size True #1 (8") The Original Endless Summer Hydrangea
The Original, the first of the hydrangea varieties in the collection, revolutionized the way gardeners were able to incorporate hydrangeas in their landscapes. It is still the hallmark of the shrub collection and with good reason. It was the first hydrangea discovered that blooms on the previous year’s woody stems and the new season’s growth. With The Original, you get an endless summer of possibilities and incredible color from spring through fall. Whether you are looking for full foundation plantings, striking container gardens or beautiful cut flower hydrangea arrangements, The Original Endless Summer hydrangea is a hardy, disease-resistant and time-tested sensation. With easy-to-change Color Kits available, The Original also has the ability to bloom as an eye-catching blue hydrangea OR pink hydrangea by adjusting your soil’s pH level as needed. This versatility and demonstrated quality makes The Original a must for your garden landscape!